About Thrive

We aim to be an ethical and sustainable hospitality business.

The suffering that occurs in animal agriculture is widely acknowledged and we think the only ethical approach is to remove all animal products from the plate. In addition, hospitality has a reputation for poor and stressful working conditions. At Thrive we aim to build a resilient and supportive team where everyone can thrive!

At Thrive, we believe in creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone who walks through our doors. It is our priority to ensure that every customer and staff member feels safe, respected, and valued and we are proud of the amazing community we have built together.

We would like to remind everyone that Thrive will not tolerate any form of abuse or discrimination. We firmly stand against any actions, words, or behaviors that harm or marginalize individuals based on their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or any other characteristic.

We kindly ask each and every one of you to join us in upholding these values. If you witness or experience any form of mistreatment, please don't hesitate to reach out to one of our team members. We are committed to addressing any concerns promptly and taking appropriate action to ensure that Thrive remains a safe space for all.


We want to address issues of land use, water use, packaging, transportation and use of damaging chemicals and single-use plastics. Because animal agriculture makes such large demands on the environment, a plant-based menu already provides many sustainability gains. Poore & Nemecek’s widely quoted Science article shows that CO2 emissions from most plant-based foods are a fraction of those from meat, fish, eggs and dairy products.

Cambridge Sustainable Food has worked with us to identify where we are winning at the moment and how we can progress further.
Read on to learn what we have achieved so far.

Our Drinks

We partner with Silver Oak Coffee, a micro-roastery in north Cambridgeshire specialising in small batch, ethically grown coffee beans. Silver Oak coffee is Rainforest Alliance certified and ensures workers on the coffee estates are well treated. We use a specialist firm to recycle the airtight packs.

All our mylks are plant-based as their environmental impact is many times lower than dairy. We are always in search of plant mylks that will steam and foam perfectly to complement our artisan coffee.

Enjoy a cup to stay in, take away, or purchase a bag of whole or ground beans to enjoy at home.

We are proud to serve Emily White loose leaf tea mixes. Emily is based in Suffolk, where she blends her mixes using the finest quality ingredients.

Choose between a pot for one or two, or purchase a bag of loose leaf to take away.

Our Produce

We are proud to say we source our products as locally as possible. Our delicious white sourdough bread is locally baked by Fitzbillies using East Anglian flour.

More than half our cake selection is baked in our own kitchen and we are pioneering our own gluten-free cakes.

We also use UK-made organic tofu and ’Sheeze’ plant-based cheese made in Scotland.

Our plant-based burgers and hotdogs are from Moving Mountains, a UK-based company with mission to promote planet-friendly eating.


Our takeaway vegware cups are made of compostable paper and our napkins are made from 100% recycled material and are compostable.

Our kitchen has a dedicated bin for our food waste and compostable materials. Rather than going into landfill or being incinerated, this waste is taken to an industrial composter where it will produce high quality soil improver.

We use NTRL products as our cleaning products which are sustainably produced and packaged using recycled material. They use probiotics to enhance cleaning rather than environmentally damaging chemicals.

Our towels and workwear is laundered weekly by Oxwash. They use phosphate-, chlorine- and sulphate-free biodegradable detergents. Oxwash are a carbon-neutral supplier and use customised cycles to collect and deliver.

Friends & Affiliates

We are fortunate to share the building with a like-minded business: Full Circle Cambridge, a zero-waste, plastic-free refill shop offering organic food and environmentally-conscious household products.

Also part of our extended family: